Sunday evening we had the ‘Commencement Service’ for school – this service is to official start the new te
rm and everyone is required to dress in their formal school uniform, hence I had to get dressed up so here’s a shot of me in my ‘salwar kameez’ that I had made – bit posh really!! It’s been a bit of a busy week really with people arriving back and visitors coming and going for dinner to add to all of the that are the little incidents like the lovely treats that the cats bring in to share with us – the other night Maddie decided she’d like to show us her prize for the evening – I forgot how much Wendy hates rats!! She was just heading off to bed when I heard this yelp! On going out to check I discover Wendy in
the lounge and the cat on the stairwell with a tail hanging out her mouth, Maddie then processed to drop the rat and start playing with it like a ball, pounce on it then set about to chomp down on it – poor Wendy was forced to witness and hear the crunching sounds of rat bones been squashed in the cat’s vice of a mouth! Not a pleasant sound! We finally got the cat out with a tail hanging out its mouth, I have too say I even felt a little queasy after the whole incident!